October 24-27, 1999

 Final Program 

 Registration on-line

About the Symposium

This symposium is the fifth in the series on Instrumental Analysis within the frame of the partnership between the cities of Pécs and Graz. The symposia were held in Pécs and in Graz alternatively since 1991 every second year. The scope of this symposium series is to give an overview of the activities in the field of instrumental analysis in both cities. It is expected that this conference will further contribute to the exchange of ideas and will provide a forum for stimulating discussions.


The symposium will be held at the Center of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pécs, Hungary (Jurisics M. u. 44., H-7617, Pécs).

Honorary Chairman
N. Marek (Janus Pannonius University Pécs)
Organizing Committee
F. Kilár (Chairman) (University of Pécs)
G. Gübitz (Co-Chairman) (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
R. Wintersteiger (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
S. Kunsági-Máté (Janus Pannonius University Pécs)
E. Lankmayr (Technical University Graz)
M. G. Schmid (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
W. Kosmus (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
Scientific Committee
J. Belágyi (Medical University of Pécs)
F. Gallyas (Medical University of Pécs)
G. Gübitz (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
L. Kollár (Janus Pannonius University Pécs)
K. Irgolic (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
G. Knapp (Technical University Graz)
G. Nagy (Janus Pannonius University Pécs)
B. Somogyi (Medical University of Pécs)
R. Wintersteiger (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
E. Lankmayr (Technical University Graz)
W. Kosmus (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)


The scope of the symposium is to cover the whole spectrum of instrumental analysis, such as, aspects of spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis and related methods, as well as, electrochemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical analysis, clinical analysis, environmental analysis, etc.

Language :   English and German

Call for Papers

All participants are encouraged to contribute to the scientific program by submitting posters. Authors are requested to submit a one-page abstract by email or on a diskette, together with a hard copy to the addresses below. Figures - if any - should also be included in electronic format. The format of the abstract:  TITLE (in capital letters), authors (bold) and affiliation with full address (italics) should be centered at the top. The body text should be single spaced.

Deadline for abstract        September 20, 1999

Registration fees
Participants:   1200 ATS
Students:      600 ATS
Accompanying persons:   600 ATS
Registration fees include participation, book of abstracts, 2 lunches and the social program (welcome party, reception with dinner, excursion to the wine country and guided tour through the city) and accomodation in double room (single accomodation will be available with extra charge).
Address and bank account will be given in the 2nd Circular

Download file of Registration form

Deadlines :
 Registration : August 31, 1999
 Abstract : September 20, 1999
 Payment : September 20, 1999